Dan Kennedy‘s book “The ultimate marketing plan. Target your audience! Get out your message! Build your brand!” can be called a guide for creating an ideal marketing plan. Step by step the author talks about the main principles of making a marketing plan.
The first thing to pay attention to, according to the author, is to create the right message. The message should set you apart from your competitors. It should also strive for clarity and simplicity. This message is also called a unique selling proposition (USP). A unique selling proposition is a way to express your position in relation to your competitors.
An important point is also the delivery of this message to the recipient. The author lists several keys to the right presentation of the marketing message.
- Be well organized.
- Ignite interest.
- Ask for action.
3 best ways to target the market
The author speaks about the importance of choosing the right targets. Your message must be directed to the correct recipient. He highlights the three best ways to target the market.
- The first way is geographic targeting.
- The second way is demographic.
- The third way is by affinity and associations.
We must not forget when developing marketing messages that potential customers will obstinately resist, not wanting to believe in them. Therefore, you need to convince your client. Reviews about you, your company, products, and services are much more trustworthy than your words. If you say something yourself, it is a statement. When your satisfied customer says the same thing about you, it’s a fact.
The company’s image is of great importance. The company must make a good impression. Each element of your activity should be strategically aimed at strengthening a single central image. The author also advises you to take into account your public image. Smart companies consider themselves obligated to look socially useful.
According to the author, the first rule of getting good publicity is to avoid bad publicity. In order to win the favor of the media, he advises companies to do charity work, be an expert (the media loves surveys, statistics), conduct creative promotions, and become a guest on a radio talk show.

The main tools for getting free advertising: the press kit and the news release. A press kit is a folder or brochure with basic information about your company, product or service, and your qualifications as an expert. Another basic tool is a good press release. It is necessary to use all possible information reasons for creating press releases.
Customer loyalty
Dan Kennedy emphasizes that you should always maintain customer loyalty, and not take the loyalty of your customers for granted. This requires constant changes. If you want to keep your customers and keep them interested, and you want them to continue telling others about your company, you should constantly come up with something new.
The author cites the following so-called “poor boy” marketing strategies, that is, these are marketing strategies that do not require large financial infusions.
- Inbound telephone procedures
- Telephone upsell procedures
- Outbound telemarketing ideas
- YCDBSOYA-proactive ideas. YCDBSOYA- You Can’t Do Business Sitting On Your Ass.
- Cooperation projects
- Windows displays
- «TEASER» newspaper advertising
Dan Kennedy emphasizes the special importance of the client. The client must feel their value, understand that they are respected. Getting the maximum consumer value from your customers begins with comprehensive respect for these customers.
Another important step in drawing up a marketing plan, the author considers “word-of-mouth” advertising. Recommendations, in this case, play a very important role.
“EAR” formula
Dan Kennedy presents a formula for getting referrals, which is called the “EAR” formula.
- “E” means “earn”. We need to earn referrals.
- “A” means “ask”. You need to ask for referrals.
- “R” means “recognize” and “reward”.
If people come to you on the recommendation of your client or buyer, this event should be noted.
Any sales sometimes need a push. To do this, the author advises creating short-term sales surges. Here are some of them:
1 – a big discount, believable reason why
2 – sweepstakes winners
3 – coupons, double coupons, and checks
4 – the premium makes the difference
5 – sports-related promotions

The author notes the importance of new marketing technologies. You need to keep up with the times and use all the technological capabilities that you have.
Throughout the book, Dan Kennedy also identifies 17 ultimate marketing secret weapons that need to be used, and 5 ultimate marketing sins that need to be avoided. At the end of the book, the author offers the reader a single form of all the steps that will help create the ultimate marketing plan.
The book “The ultimate marketing plan. Target your audience! Get out your message! Build your brand!” is a collection of simple techniques and principles that will allow you to declare your product or service with minimal costs and maximum efficiency.
To complete your marketing plan you may also like David Newman’s Do it! Marketing book.