Any business is created for money. Marketing is the direction that can multiply the profitability of a business if there is a working marketing plan. Allan Dib believes that if you improve marketing in your business by just 10%, you can multiply your profits.
Allan Dib in his book “The 1-Page Marketing Plan: Get New Customers, Make More Money, And Stand out From The Crowd” suggests using a marketing plan that fits on a single page, is a table of nine squares, and is compiled in a short time. This plan looks like this:

Marketing is a process that our target market must go through. From the stage of unawareness of our existence to the acquisition of a loyal fan.
The author divides this process into three stages
1. Before. The target audience at this stage is called Prospect. Prospects should learn about you and show interest. By the end of the first stage, the prospect knows about your product or service and becomes an interested customer.
2. During. At this stage, we are talking about Lead. Prospects should like you and purchase your product or service for the first time. The first purchase made by the customer is the positive result of this stage.
3. After. The target audience at this stage is called the Customer. Customers should trust you, buy from you regularly, and recommend you to others. The third stage can last a lifetime.
Before – Prospect
My target market
With a limited marketing budget, you should focus on a small segment of the market – a niche. When defining your niche, you first need to divide the market you are going to enter into segments. Find your ideal segment that will help the PVP index (PVP = Personal fulfillment + Value to the Marketplace + Profitability).
Each market segment must be evaluated against these three criteria on a ten-point scale. When you have decided on a segment, you need to think about who your prospect is. Ask yourself various questions that will help you determine the gender, age, social status, level of education and income, interests, and food preferences of the person who will be interested in your product or service.
The author suggests creating a detailed portrait of a potential client. As a result, a description of the niche you plan to occupy will appear in the upper-left square of the marketing plan.
My message to my target market
An effective marketing message not only attracts the attention of a prospect but also encourages them to take action. The message must contain only one goal, and this goal must be clearly stated.

Having defined a goal, you need to think about how to inform it to a prospect. It is important to remember that a successful marketing message is not about you or your company, it is about the customer, their needs, and interests.
The media I will use to reach my target market
In order for a prospect to receive a marketing message, you need to choose effective advertising tools. The main criterion for evaluating an advertising campaign is that it should bring in more money than it was invested in. Allan Dib recommends using more than one advertising channel.
During – Lead
My lead capture system
Not every prospect is ready to buy immediately, most will think, compare, evaluate. Creating a database of leads is a long-term job.
First, you need to identify the circle of people who will be interested in your product, tell them about it, get a response, enter responses in the database and constantly keep in touch with them. If a lead trusts you, they will buy from you again and again.
My lead nurturing system
Working with customers consists of three steps
1. advertising to find people who are interested in your offer;
2. adding leads to the database;
3. regular communication with leads (letters, e-mail, meetings, exhibitions) that will be of value to them (useful tips, training, and informational videos, articles, information about new products and updates).
The author recommends not to save on marketing if your strategy gives excellent results. The more often you create and send out attractive offers, the faster your business grows.
My sales conversion strategy
From the very beginning, it is very important to create a positive image of the company. But do not promise too much. It looks suspicious, and you risk breaking promises.
If you want to succeed, stop obsessively offering your product. Create value for the customer and win their trust. Leads are getting smarter every year, and the only reliable way to sell them is to train them. This is the only way a lead will see you as an expert and be able to trust you.
After – Customer
How I deliver a world-class experience
A successful business has fans, and a regular business has customers. With regular fans, the release of a new product becomes easier. It is very important to learn how to identify the needs of customers. The purchase is only the first step, it is important that the customer gets the desired result. And if you help him achieve this result, you will get the most loyal fan of your business.

How I increase the customer lifetime value
Allan Dib describes 5 strategies for increasing profit from sales to regular customers
- Price increase. If you position yourself correctly and leave a great impression on the customer after communication, purchase, service, most customers will calmly accept the increase in price.
- Upselling-an offer of related products or services to the main purchase. The author advises to apply the principle of contrast to upselling, i.e. you need to offer something inexpensive to the purchased product.
- Conversion of a customer to a different price category means offering existing customers more expensive products and services. Customers often get used to certain products and services, although they can afford more expensive purchases.
- Increasing the frequency of sales. You need to remind your customers about yourself. You can send information about new products and promotions once a month by e-mail or by mail. It will help you increase additional profits.
- Restart of relations with old customers. Select from the database the names of those who have not made a purchase for a long time and send them a gift card or coupon. If customers do not return, find out why they do not return, try to fix the errors.
Allan Dib advises that if a customer brings more worries than profits, the best way out is to part with them.
How I orchestrate and stimulate referrals
Word of mouth is one of the old marketing tools, but don’t expect satisfied customers to bring their friends to you on their own initiative. You should encourage the referrals. It is necessary to make sure that the customer receives a moral or material benefit from what recommends you.
The book consists of three acts, which are divided into 9 chapters. Each chapter describes a stage of the one-page marketing plan. Allan Dib describes a marketing plan that is easy to make, but you must remember to work on it constantly.
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